After nearly a month of sporting bare nails, I finally accomplished the task of painting them! They are still quite short compared to my usual length, and my ring finger is recovering, resulting in a slightly different shape. Nonetheless, the fact that I managed to paint my nails while battling a lingering cold is a significant achievement for me. It feels good to take care of myself, even in small ways, during this time of illness.
Today, I’m excited to share a stunning nail polish from Dior’s Fall “Plan de Paris” Collection. This particular shade, “Saint Honore,” is a beautiful warm brick red with a hint of golden shimmer, making it perfect for the season. Surprisingly, this polish was nearly opaque with just one coat! However, I always prefer to apply two coats for a more consistent finish. To add a touch of elegance, I attempted to create the illusion of longer nails by hand-drawing a gold French tip using Cutex “Pop the Prosecco”*. My hands were a bit shaky, and the polish was more liquid than I anticipated, which made it challenging to apply. I’m curious to see how long I can maintain this manicure before I decide to remove it!
As we approach December next Monday, I’m eager to dive into some festive holiday-themed nail art to embrace the spirit of the season. Does it feel like Christmas yet? I’m not quite sure! The unusually mild weather has made it feel like November is still in full swing. I haven’t experienced any freezing temperatures or had to scrape ice off my car, which might be why it doesn’t feel like the holiday season has truly arrived yet. Regardless, I’m not complaining about the warmer weather, even if it means getting into my car a little earlier than usual to prepare for my day!